How to paint trees with Poster Colour

If you can paint a tree, you will see a remarkable change in your scenery painting. The rest is the perspective and placement of the objects, Therefore before learning how to paint a scenery you need to learn painting various kinds of trees. 

The steps of painting a tree:
1. Draw the outline and fill the darker shades. Use deep green, Prussian blue, red, crimson etc. The colors depend on the tree and the atmosphere you are painting.

2. Add details with the smaller brushes to create 3D shapes of the each foliages with dark and light values of colour. In this step add some light shades to visualise highlights. 

3. This is the last step of painting the foliage. Add details with either fan brush or no. 0 filbert brush. You may add details showing some individual leaves with rigger brush. Here you use the lightest colours like lemon yellow, light green, white etc depending on atmosphere as well as the tree you are painting. In this tree I added some orange colors.

4. I usually draw the tree trunks and branches after painting the foliage. It depends on the trees and the thier branches. Use the darkest colour fast then gradually shift to the lighter shades as per from which angle the light is falling on the trunk and the colour of it. Create some texture on the tree trunk with brush strokes and add details with rigger brush if you want to show more details. Finally draw the small branches and twigs which are seen behind the tree leaves with small brushes. 
Try to paint different types of trees around you which will help you to learn all aspects of the trees and thier shapes. You need to learn different strokes in accordance with the shapes of leaves of different types of trees. 
The reference picture of the painting is taken from pixabay.
You may watch tutorials on PS Art Gallery to learn more.
To watch the painting demonstration of this painting click here
